December 12, 2004

Important CS Databases

ACM Digital Library Citations to over 400,000 articles in computer science. From the Association for Computing Machinery. 1985-present. NOTE: Create a free login & password to search the ACM.
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Citations to documents, articles, reports. Covers all aspects of education. 1966 to present.
Philosopher's Index Citations and abstracts covering scholarly research in the fifteen fields of philosophy published in journals and books. Over 480 journals, from 38 countries. 1940-present.
PsycINFO Topics include psychology, medicine, sociology, education. Citations to articles and book chapters. 1887 to present.

Cool databases
ARTstor Digital images and related data. Hundreds of thousands of images for academic use. note: Macs require Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Photo and Multimedia Archive from the Associated Press. Current and historical photos taken by members of the Associated Press. Includes audio files of historical speeches. Image use restricted to educational use only.

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